
Watch These Videos

Notice, in the video above, the emphasis on HOW scientists know, not just WHAT they know.

Aside: Brownian Motion

Watch the following simple video of Brownian motion of small fat globules in milk, viewed under a microscope that magnifies about 400 times. Click Watch on YouTube and then, below the video, click Show More for a brief description.

Back to atoms

The second video mentioned in What is an Atom, is What Are Atoms Made Of ?. It provides useful and accurate background information for other topics in How Scientists Know, but is much weaker in describing evidence that supports this knowledge. That evidence will come up as this site takes up other topic areas.


The following video describes a very modern and "direct" way of "seeing" atoms in great detail. This method confirms many aspects of atoms that scientists have learned much less directly.


The moving objects in the following video are ... atoms! The movie was made frame by frame using a scanning-tunneling microscope to move atoms into position for each frame. It's the smallest movie ever made.

It's sort of like a tiny Wallace and Grommet, a clay-mation series made frame-by-frame by slightly changing positions and shapes of clay figures.
